Data Ownership


Master Your MLS® Data

Gain complete control with full data ownership. Downloading and storing your own MLS® data allows you to secure and use your information strategically, aligning perfectly with your business goals. This autonomy empowers you to generate unique insights and maintain a competitive edge in the real estate market.


Access Real-Time MLS® Data

Sign up with us and we’ll ensure you’re directly connected to your local MLS®, delivering the precise data your area demands.


Start Here

Reach out to us, and we’ll begin setting up your account so you can start accessing MLS® data tailored to your location.


Custom Data Services

We’ll adapt the MLS® data specifically for your project, considering both your geographical and market needs.


Dedicated Support

Our team offers comprehensive support and thorough documentation to aid you in accessing, integrating, and managing MLS® data on your own.”


Take Control of Your MLS® Data

Gaining control over your MLS® data enhances your ability to manage, customize, and effectively use real estate information.

Data Management

Control the storage of your MLS® data to align with your unique security and accessibility needs.

Custom Features

Use MLS® data to craft unique features and enhance your real estate platform, providing a standout user experience.

Dedicated Support

Our continuous support ensures smooth integration and operation of your project, maximizing your MLS® data benefits.

Language Flexibility

Our API works with any programming language, offering the flexibility to develop in the environment of your choice.


Frequently Asked Questions

MLS® IDX API provides developers with real-time access to MLS® data, enabling them to download and directly store this information in their own systems. This approach keeps property listings up-to-date and affords developers full control over data usage.

Data ownership means that once you download MLS® data through our API, you have full control over this data. You can store, manage, and utilize this information according to your business needs without dependency on continuous API calls.

Owning your data allows for greater flexibility and security in how you handle sensitive information. It enables you to implement custom data analytics, integrate data with other systems, and develop personalized features that differentiate your platform in the marketplace.

Absolutely. With full data ownership, you can seamlessly integrate MLS® data with other business tools and systems such as CRM software, marketing platforms, and analytics tools, enhancing your operational efficiency and offering a cohesive user experience.

Yes, by downloading and managing your own MLS® data, you enhance the security of that information. You can implement your own security measures and protocols to protect the data, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Owning your MLS® data allows you to customize and analyze listings to uncover unique market insights and trends. This data-driven approach can inform more strategic decisions, offering superior services to clients and positioning your business as a leader in the real estate industry.


Have Questions? Contact Us!

Looking to enhance your real estate platform? Get in touch! We’re eager to demonstrate how our MLS® IDX API, with its real-time and customizable data solutions, can revolutionize your business. Allow us to explain the benefits and guide you through a smooth startup process.