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Frequently Asked Questions

A REST API is a web service that enables developers to manipulate server-stored resources using standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. This stateless, flexible architecture is lightweight and integrates easily with web applications.

To authenticate requests to the MLS® IDX API, you must include an API key with each request. This key is provided when you register for access to the API. Include it in the HTTP headers of your requests, typically as Authorization: Bearer <Your-API-Key> to ensure your API calls are secure and recognized.

Yes, our API supports batch requests, allowing you to send multiple operations in a single API call. This feature is useful for executing multiple updates or retrieving large datasets efficiently. Refer to our API documentation for specific details on how to structure these requests.

The MLS® IDX API supports JSON and XML data formats. By default, responses are returned in JSON format due to its ease of integration with web applications and its efficiency in data handling. If you require XML format, please specify this in your API request header

When an error occurs, the API returns a status code and a message detailing the nature of the error. Common error codes include 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, and 404 for not found resources. It’s important to implement error handling in your application to appropriately respond to these issues based on the error code and message received.

Yes, to ensure fair usage and optimal performance for all users, our API has a rate limit. The specific limit depends on the subscription plan you choose. If you exceed this limit, you will receive a 429 ‘Too Many Requests’ error. Consider optimizing your API calls or upgrading your plan if higher limits are necessary for your application.


Get In Touch With Us

Ready to transform your real estate platform with the most comprehensive MLS data? Contact us today to get started with our API service and take your business to the next level!